Friday, 20 December 2013

Thunderland final film

This is the complete, final version of our film.

I worked with Leisha for this project. 
When making the film and doing our pre-production we mostly worked together. I wrote the dialogue of the script and Leisha wrote the action and settings. I wrote the initial idea and gave this to Leisha who wrote it into our proposal. I wrote the treatment and shot list because they are similar and Leisha had input for shot ideas. We both decided what sort of music we wanted and how we wanted the characters to sound. Leisha did not know about the equipment we were going to use for sound recording so I went over it with her so that she knew. I designed the pop up characters and my mum drew the large scale versions on foam boards. I made the signs for the trees and painted and cut out the key hole. Leisha was unable to get to the filming location due to train fares etc. so I filmed. I had help while filming from a friend who handled the props as puppets. We both did the editing, I did the Motion work and effects. 

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